Management of Schizophrenia in Children and Adolescents

Jan 1, 2019Guidelines




Summary: This clinical practice guideline convers the assessment and treatment choices available for very early onset schizophrenia (VEOS; age of onset is <13 years) and Early Onset Schizophrenia (EOS; onset between 13 and 18 years). Guidelines for a developmentally appropriate assessment and exclusion of other experiences; the importance of comorbidity, and features suggestive of a presentation of a medical illness, are provided. Treatment options for the acute, continuation and maintenance phase, including both psychopharmacological and psychosocial, are provided.
Authors: Sandeep Grover, Ajit Avasthi
Year of Publication: January-2019
Citation: Grover S, Avasthi A. Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Schizophrenia in Children and Adolescents. Indian J Psychiatry. 2019 Jan;61(Suppl 2):277Ð93.

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