2023 - 2024

IPS Cabinet is now ready to rock!

Indian Psychiatric Society welcomes all new Office Bearers, Council Members, Zonal Representatives, Sub-committees, Task Forces, Specialty Sections, Commissions & Tribunals of the association.

IPS President’s Message

Dr. Savita Malhotra
President, Indian Psychiatric Society,
2025 – 2026

Greetings on the occasion of the beginning of the Indian Psychiatric Society’s new year starting from the ANCIPS 2025 !

I thank you all for electing me to the office of the President of IPS, which is both an honor and also a responsibility. I know this is not an easy job. There are a lot of expectations and aspirations that our members have and we need to be sensitive to those. I from my side will do my best to discharge my duties as President to the best of my capability.

In this process, I would need your continued support and cooperation without which nothing would be possible. I will be your voice, your representative and your compatriot in the task of bringing more power and glory to the IPS.

I would like to see that IPS has a stake in all mental health related matters pertaining to patients and their families, for government policy and decision-making bodies, and also for matters concerning the psychiatrist fraternity in the country. We have to work on multiple fronts, i.e., deal with the government on one hand, public and judiciary on the other. I would like to strengthen advocacy, focus on public education about mental illnesses and standard treatments in psychiatry. Misconceptions about psychiatry and psychiatric treatments need to be dispelled. We have to propagate our message that mental illness is no different from physical illness; that psychiatrists should be the first point of contact for any mental illness; and that psychotropic medications are safe, effective and even life changing.

One year tenure is short. I would like to pursue our agenda on MHCA amendments; NDPS reforms; establishment of IPS Ethics committee; Accreditation Committee; streamlining the functioning of zonal and state branches of IPS through fiscal and academic re-alignment with the parent body; lobby for removing disparities in budgetary allocation for treatment of persons with mental illness; push for psychiatry as a separate subject in UG; spearhead research to collect national level data on matters relating to psychiatry practice in India; and public education and advocacy dispelling the negative public perceptions about psychiatry, psychiatrists and psychotropics.

We need to work together as a team, rising above our personal interests, grievances and agendas for the sake of the larger good of the profession and society. I would request all of you to come forward, let us know about the area of your expertise or influence; guide us with specific actionable ideas; and we will work together as a team to pursue them. I will have the baton in my hand for one year and would do my utmost to keep the flag of IPS high.

As I commit myself to the above tasks, I seek your advice, guidance and cooperation.

Together we can !
Thank you very much
Best wishes and regards

Dr. Savita Malhotra
Indian Psychiatric Society

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The IPS directory is being finalized for publication:

The directory is being updated, under the guidance of the Hon. President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Editor of IPS

The website committee, membership committee, and the IPS secretariat are working in unison for this endeavour.

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News & Notices

IPS President’s Message 2025 – Dr. Savita Malhotra

IPS President’s Message 2025 – Dr. Savita Malhotra

  Greetings on the occasion of the beginning of the Indian Psychiatric Society’s new year starting from the ANCIPS 2025 ! I thank you all for electing me to the office of the ...


DRAFT GUIDELINES for doctors on professional boundaries

DRAFT GUIDELINES for doctors on professional boundaries

PREFACE to DRAFT Guidelines for doctors on professional boundaries in the doctor patient relationship V3.7 Dec 2024 Dear Friends, We are placing the Draft Guidelines for Doctors on ...
IPS Notice: Annual General Body Meeting – 24th January 2025

IPS Notice: Annual General Body Meeting – 24th January 2025

Dear Member, Notice for Annual General Body Meeting of Indian Psychiatric Society. The Annual General Body Meeting of the Indian Psychiatric Society will be held on Friday 24th January, ...

The IPS Archive

All notices, announcement and events of the IPS are now archived for future reference and are availabe in a searchable format for registered members of the society.